Marketing CAse Study - Increasing Morpheus8 sales
One Goal: Increase morpheus8 sales.
in 90 days we saw a 299.8% Increase in year over year sales.
the goal.
Increase Morpheus8 Sales
The problems.
They were not showing up in local SEO searches for Morpheus8.
They were not running ads for Morpheus8.
The education and content was not there for Morpheus8.
Duration | 90 Days
our solutions.
1. Build Out morpheus8 Page to help with local seo.
We optimized the page with:
Branded & Optimized photos
Proper H1, H2 headings
Strategic content that generates traffic
& Laid out before & afters.
In 90 days, they went from ranking on page 3 on google to being ranked on Page #1 when searching for Morpheus8 in San Antonio.
2. Running awareness ads within their area.
We saw the biggest opportunity to run digital ads on Facebook and Instagram for this client and concentrated right around them. This ad also included some of their other high-ticket items like filler and Sculptra.
In 90 Days:
They Reached Over 86,000 NEW People
Had over 2,000 Website Clicks
Under A $1 Per Link Click on a High Ticket Service
3. Extensive Educational & Branded Content - Video + Photo.
The 2ten team did extensive research to line up topics and questions for the team to discuss for video content. Our team produced, edited, and optimized about 14 pieces of professional video content exclusively on Morpheus8 as well as numerous photos.
Pieces were included on Youtube, Blog, Website Page, Facebook, Instagram, & More.
Video Content Got 13K Views on Just Instagram & Youtube
Over three months, we posted about Morpheus8 1 to 2 per week with additional Instagram stories.
Blogs were centered around trending topics and localized SEO.
what we discovered + The Numbers
They added $60K in Morpheus8 Sales in 90 days and saw a 300% increase in year-over-year sales for Morpheus8.
This is a screenshot of their Morpheus8 sales and when 2ten came onboard in August of 2022.
ROI for this client in three months was 333.7%.
And this is putting all marketing costs just for this Morpheus8 case study when in reality, 2ten Marketing was also focusing on other services not documented.