CAse Study Marketing - Generating New Lip Filler Patients
In five months we generated 429 NEW Lip Filler Leads & had a 464.03% ROI.
Name, phone number, email, and marketing consent included.
the goal.
Gain new patients and increase lip filler sales.
The problems.
The practice had three injectors that were wanting more lip filler patients.
The Front Desk was short-staffed.
The San Antonio area had a saturated marketing of lip filler sales.
2ten also wanted to gain new patients so that the staff would have opportunities to upsell and increase their bottom line.
Duration | Five Months
Client | San Antonio Medspa
What We Call the Trifecta
1. Installing a website pop up.
With each of our pop-ups we:
Create customized graphics with a branded photo.
Use strategic verbiage to show urgency.
Always include an opt-in for email & text message marketing.
In the five months, the Med Spa when from collecting an average of 30 emails/call #'s per month to over 150 emails/opted-in SMS potential patients.
2. Running Awareness Ads to dominate the market.
We saw the biggest opportunity to run digital ads on Facebook and Instagram for this client and concentrated right around their office. This ad was to bring awareness in their direct area and present them as an option alongside their competitors.
In five months, they reached over 64,000 NEW people.
3. 24/7 Conversational Texting Bot That Was Scheduling While They Slept.
The second someone filled out the pop-up form; we automated text instantly activated a custom fully automated text with the opportunity. This automated texting conversation:
Confirms their submission.
Asks if they are new to the spa and service
Confirms availability for an appointment.
Notifies the front desk staff that someone is interested in booking a lip filler appointment on a specific day and time.
We had a 64% conversion rate, without any of the staff picking up the phone.
what we discovered & The Numbers
They added $108,451 in five months, averaging about $21,600 monthly on one service line.
AVA helped the front desk staff by collecting new patient and appointment details. This decreased the time they needed to be on the phone, saving costs on man hours.
Most interactions with AVA happened outside of business hours, increasing the hours of opportunity to convert and book new paying patients.
The ROI for this client in five months was 464.03%!
And this is putting all marketing costs just for this Lip Filler case study when in reality, 2ten Marketing was also focusing on other services not documented.
Let’s get in touch
Case Study Recap
Hey There, Injectors & Med Spa Owners! Want to increase your lip filler sales? The case study by 2ten Marketing showcases their strategy for a med spa to increase new patients and lip filler sales. Over five months, they generated 429 new leads, achieving a 464.03% ROI. Their approach, called the "trifecta," included website pop-ups for email and SMS opt-ins, targeted digital ads on Facebook and Instagram, and a 24/7 conversational texting bot for scheduling. This strategy led to significant email and SMS list growth, reached over 64,000 new people, and added $108,451 in revenue from lip filler services alone.