Marketing CAse Study - Increasing appointments by texting option for orthopedics

One Goal: boost appointment requests & Conversions

the goal.

Increase appointment requests & Appointment Conversions

The problems.

  • Busy Phone Lines

  • Phone Tag With Patients

  • Longer Phone Calls with New Patients

  • Missed Opportunities For Those Wanting To Book Outside of Business Hours

Duration | 5 Months

our solutions.

Smart Texting Automation For Requesting Appointments

We knew there were missed opportunities when the practice told us that all phones are typically in use, 100s of missed calls a day, and not all form submissions were captured because of unanswered calls and input errors. The 2ten team created a customized, automated texting bot that helped collect information from new patients, decreased phone call time, gave immediate attention to the patient, and communicated the next steps in making the appointment. The texting platform also allowed the practice to hop back in and text the patient if needed.

Questions We Asked

  • Name

  • Best Number To Reach

  • Email

  • Area of Concern

  • Student Athlete

  • Current Insurance Provider

  • Physician Referral

  • How They Found The Practice

  • Preferred Physician

what we discovered + The statistics

Within seven months, we opened the book appointment by text option, and over 1,700 requests came through. Based on the stats, we saw several patients trying to book at peak times when phone lines were busy or on weekends and evenings.

We are proud to have helped our partner acquire more opportunities and expand how patients can reach their clinic and book an appointment.